'Wintermelon' shows the varying perspectives my brother and I have as British-Chinese siblings whilst also focusing on these differences in an attempt to understand each other. Using old VHS-8 footage, archived images and filmed video portraits, this short film connects cultural identity within family relationships. The narrative concentrates on my Brother's side, with my view as a tool for comparison, and we navigate our conversation around our childhood and our current attitude to our dual identities. Hopefully, my work can encourage you to resonate with these stories as we both navigate the fact that we are Chinese on the outside regardless of the circumstance.
please refer to Wintermelon for more


I wanted to explore the time around April 2020, when there was a sudden decrease in the presence of people in shops, and entering a Tesco was always unsettling on every visit; what we hear and see have changed drastically before and after lockdown, but there were even larger differences when it came to Asian supermarkets. Due to the increasing hateful views on Asians and their culture, businesses were avoided and I witnessed shops that were once lively become desolate. The perspectives I portray in my outcome are through my own eyes, something that will hopefully resonate with people who identify as and support the Asian-British community, as we ask, ‘where did everybody go?’. To push this narrative further, I inserted quotes reported from victims of these racist attacks, and also from Donald Trump who only catalysed these hate crimes by calling Covid-19 the ‘Chinese virus’.
please refer to Supermarket for more
"Soundscape" about the exploration of sound as soon as people suddenly disappear from Earth, and how the world would sound like if devices such as the hairdryer were still switched on during that moment, and if so, how far away would you have to be to escape the noise. I aim to show, through film, what the city would sound like and how soon or long it would take for all the devices to stop. For example, a microwave would be silent within minutes, but the longevity of a lawnmower could be months.


Dreams and Water

Dreams and Water
A short film that touches upon personal memories that engage with water, with a contrast of vivid imagery and a paler colour palette to display the range of aesthetics that come with dreaming.
Below is an edited version of Dreams and Water that explores the 5760 x 1080 resolution to play against three 1920 x 1080 screens.

Wright le Chapelin
A group collaboration with Wright le Chapelin’s 2018 A/W collection to enhance their theme of anonymity and “office” dress code. The concept revolved around after work hours; when you come back home straight from the office and all you want to do is lay around and do nothing. The sound design was a collective effort through using homemade sounds such as the washing machine vibrations and knocking against the radiator.
Team Members: Sohyun Han, Chiara Labour, Huichi Yang, Christina Poon

Wright le Chapelin

Body and Time
Body and Time
How will we view time capsules in a world with an increasing lack of space? By creating an ‘analysing room’ within our own bodies the device would work by projecting the memories of an object within the body box which would communicate with the user. This prototype would work with any small object such as an earring or USB.

King's Cross is gentrification
King's Cross is gentrification
How will we view time capsules in a world with an increasing lack of space? By creating an ‘analysing room’ within our own bodies the device would work by projecting the memories of an object within the body box which would communicate with the user. This prototype would work with any small object such as an earring or USB.